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Dental Services
Preventative Dental Care
Comprehensive Dental Exams
Crowns, Bridges and Veneers
Preventative Dental Care
Preventative care appointments are the key to promoting and maintaining good oral health in patients. We check for potential problems before they become large problems, and we clear away plaque and tartar from your teeth to maintain optimal oral health. Most patients require routine visits every six months, but some patients may require more frequent visits of three or four months to ensure proper care.
Comprehensive Dental Exams
Our dentist uses the latest technology to provide you with a thorough and comprehensive dental exam consisting of:
● Complete series of x-rays, including panoramic film and bite-wing film x-rays to diagnose tooth decay, bone structure abnormalities, and problems with teeth roots, such as tumors, cysts, or abscesses● Complete dental charting of all existing fillings, implants, and crowns● Charting of missing or extracted teeth● Charting existing decay and any additional needed dental treatments● Complete periodontal exam of the space between your teeth and gums to detect any periodontal diseases or gingivitis● Complete oral cancer screening to check for abnormal lumps or bumps in your glandular tissue, cheeks, lips, tongue, or palate● Complete evaluation of the temporal mandibular joint (TMJ) to diagnose abnormalities or malpositioning of the jaw which may cause pain and/or teeth and bone damage
Digital X-Rays
Kastner Dental Care uses digital x-rays in our office to allow immediate viewing of dental images. Digital radiographs reduce processing time and can be enlarged or color enhanced for easier viewing and diagnosis. Digital sensors also allow for less radiation to capture images on the computer.
Composite Restorations
Commonly referred to as fillings, composite restorations treat fractured, decayed, or chipped teeth both functionally and cosmetically. Glass-based composite material adds strength and durability to restored teeth. These fillings do not tarnish or corrode in the mouth, enabling leakage and promoting new tooth decay, like traditional amalgam (silver) fillings. See our policy on composite fillings.
Crowns, Bridges and Veneers
Bridges fill the spaces between your teeth to prevent drifting of teeth that can misalign your bite and cause even more tooth loss or jaw problems. Bridgework is an effective method for replacing congenitally mi8ssing or extracted teeth and involves preparing teeth on either side of the space to allow placement of a permanent structure.
Crowns cover the adjacent teeth as anchors attached to the replacement tooth placed over the empty space. Crowns can be used to cover fractured teeth, teeth that have a large filling that is breaking down, teeth that have had a root canal done, or teeth that have been severely decayed. Crowns strengthen and protect your tooth and can be used to enhance the cosmetic appearance of your teeth.
Veneers are used to enhance the appearance of your front teeth. They cover the fronts of your teeth and wrap around the sides and tips of the teeth. With newly available technology, veneers can be thinner and stronger than ever before. Patients need to be good candidates for veneers. If you grind your teeth, you may need a bite appliance to be worn at night to protect the veneers.
Periodontal Therapy
Kastner Dental provides periodontal therapy for patients with pocketing around their teeth which creates a difficult area for them to clean on their own. Frequent maintenance visits are required to ensure cleanliness and to prevent further gum and bone damage. Scaling and root planning are used to effectively remove debris deep below the gums.
Dental Implants
Dr. Kastner has extensive experience in providing dental implants for missing teeth. Dental implants are becoming the preferred method of replacing missing teeth because they look and feel like natural teeth. They provide stable support for artificial teeth and won't shift or slide. Dental implants are metal posts that are surgically implanted into the jawbone beneath your gums. The posts provide the framework for your dentist to mount artificial teeth. Dr. Kastner also restores dental implants.
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